常见问题 – 关于阿育吠陀瑜伽按摩 (AYM) 的答案


What is the ideal duration of a massage?

Q: What is the ideal duration of a massage?

A: This can vary from one person to person. Typically, massage sessions are available in 60, 75, or 90-minute treatments. A 75-minute session is often recommended as it provides sufficient time to thoroughly address the entire body, including a facial massage that concludes the treatment. For clients with specific conditions requiring attention, an additional 15-minute segment can be booked. However, it’s important to note that extending sessions beyond 75 minutes may lead to increased soreness the following day.

What should I expect during my first AYM treatment?

Q: What should I expect during my first AYM treatment?

A: Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (AYM) offers a diverse array of benefits, making it suitable for everyone. Whether you seek deep muscle tissue work and realignment of the musculoskeletal system or simply desire a gentle and profoundly relaxing experience, AYM has you covered. During your session, a tailored selection of stretches is performed to meet your individual needs. These stretches serve to open up your body, alleviate tensions and stress, and enhance your flexibility, promoting balance in both your body and mind

Your initial AYM session is a distinctive blend of traditional Ayurvedic massage techniques and guided corrective yoga stretches. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect:

Assessment: The therapist will begin by assessing your physical and emotional state, allowing them to create a personalised treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Massage Techniques: The massage itself will involve a blend of deep tissue massage techniques, applying a scrubbing ayurvedic plant, followed by a series of stretching and joint mobilisation. These techniques work together to target tension release and enhance circulation throughout your body.

Face Massage: The full-body treatment will conclude with a soothing facial massage, adding to your overall relaxation.

Relaxation: After the session, you can expect to feel deeply relaxed, a feeling of openness, reinvigorated, and harmonised in both body and mind. Some individuals may feel like resting after the treatment.

In summary, an Ayurvedic Yoga Massage promises an extensive range of advantages, including improved flexibility, stress relief, and a profound sense of relaxation and revitalisation. Your AYM specialist will customise the treatment to suit your specific needs, ensuring a personalised and therapeutic experience.

Who is the Instructor for the training?

Q: Who is the Instructor for the training?

A: Ananta Sylvain Girard, founder of the ARYM Institute, shares three decades of rich experience in AYM. Along his journey, he devoted seven years in close collaboration with Master Kusum Modak, the creator of the AYM method, in India. Alongside his role as the Master’s assistant, he has also established a fulfilling career as a massage therapist, providing treatments to a prestigious international clientele. Trained in anatomy by Professor Blandine Calais-Germain (Anatomy for Movement). Since 1996, he has trained thousands of AYM practitioners in more than 350 training courses held worldwide.. Learn more About Ananta


ARYM证书和文凭没有到期日。 但是,强烈建议您每两年至少参加一次21小时的进修课程。 这是为了保持和提炼自己学到的技能,获得新技能并培养对AYM治疗师技能的信心。


Q: 完成认证实践者(I-IV)课程后,我是否有资格开始在客户身上实践?

A: 是的,完成认证实践者(I-IV)课程后,您将具备提供60至90分钟阿育吠陀瑜伽按摩(AYM)会话的技能。您可以在课程结束后立即开始实践,无论是与朋友、家人还是同学,以积累经验和自信。约经过5至30次的实践会话(视乎个人能力而定),您将感到准备好独立与客户合作。如果您希望快速建立专业职业生涯,可以考虑参加第二次的第5级治疗师文凭课程,以进一步精进您的技能。


蒲公英粉是Acorus calamus植物根部制成的粉末。这种植物在阿育吠陀医学中有多种疗效,包括抗氧化、利尿和增强思维能力。它还被认为对提高思维能力有帮助,已经在印度冥想实践中使用了很长时间。



Is it possible to complete the Therapist Training course in different locations?

Q: Can I complete the two courses of the Therapist Training Diploma in different locations?

A: Yes, you have the flexibility to attend the training modules at any location where ARYM courses are offered. For example, you may decide to complete your Practitioner Therapist (First Participation) in France and then opt to pursue your Practitioner Diploma (Second Participation) in India.



  • 根据个体需求量身定制的ARYM协议提供60到90分钟的AYM疗程。
  • 熟练运用多种深层组织按摩、减压、筋膜释放和放松按摩技巧,包括令人印象深刻的面部按摩。
  • 执行一百多个基于瑜伽的辅助矫正伸展动作。
  • 准备好在课程结束后立即开始您的AYM治疗师职业生涯。


What are the ARYM’s AYM Certifications?

Q: What are the ARYM’s AYM Certifications?

A: Upon completing each course, you will earn the following certifications issued by the Indian Institute of Ayurvedic Yoga Massage ARYM:

  • Certified Therapist (I-IV): upon the first participation.
  • Therapist Diploma (V): upon the second participation, subject to evaluation.
  • Advanced (I-III): Upon completion of each module.
  • Masterclass (I to XII): Upon completion of each Masterclass.
  • Certified Instructor (I-III): after the 1st, 2nd and 3rd time participation as an assistant, subject to evaluation.
  • Diploma Instructor (IV): After achieving the Certified Instructor level (III), subject to evaluation.
  • Accredited Instructor (V): After reaching the Diploma Instructor level (IV), subject to evaluation.

How long does becoming a Certified Massage Therapist generally take?

Q: How long does becoming a Certified Massage Therapist generally take?

A: If you aim to obtain a certificate, the ARYM diploma for certified practitioners typically takes about two months, assuming you participate in two practitioner courses. However, you can receive your first AYM Practitioner certificate after completing a 9 to 15-day course, which will provide you with extended liability insurance cover.
The timeline for becoming a practising Massage Therapist with a clientele can vary significantly. It depends on your dedication, practice, and ability to build a clientele. Our therapist training courses provide comprehensive instruction to get you started. You’ll quickly learn the sequences and gain confidence as an AYM practitioner. However, building a clientele is gradual, requiring perseverance, discipline, and ongoing training.
You can generally start practising immediately after your first participation in our courses. It typically takes between 5 and 20 massages completed within a relatively short period to attract your first clients. However, it may take several months or even up to 3 years to establish a regular and sustainable clientele that allows you to make a living from your practice.




ARYM 的社交媒体渠道有哪些?

通过我们的各种社交媒体平台、即时消息和新闻通讯与 ARYM 保持联系,了解最新更新和活动。




Is it necessary to complete the module “Practical Fundamentals” before enrolling in the Certified AYM Therapist Training?

Q: Is it necessary to complete the module “Practical Fundamentals” before enrolling in the Certified AYM Therapist Training?

A: You can enrol directly to the complete AYM Practitioner Training, where the ‘Practical Fundamentals’ are included in the first two days. For those with time constraints, it’s also possible to choose the 2-day ‘Fundamentals of AYM module only. The 15-hours Practical Fundamentals of the AYM Method includes: the back of the body (back, arms, shoulder blades, shoulders, neck and back of the legs). Massage with hands and feet and a series of stretches for the back.

Are accommodation and meals included in the course fees?

Q: Are accommodation and meals included in the course fees?

A: The inclusion of accommodation and meals in the training tuition fees varies depending on the specific training venue. In general, we do not directly manage accommodation and meals, and they are not included in the tuition fees.
To find out if accommodation and meals are included in your training course or provide at the centre, please refer to the “Highlight” section on the training course page, which is available on the Schedule Page. Any information regarding the inclusion of accommodation and meals will be clearly indicated there. If you need help finding suitable accommodation, we can advise and assist you.

Regarding meals, please check the course description to see if meals are included. In some locations, such as Goa, Mysore, Balybunion, we provided lunch or a dinner after the course. Complimentary tea, coffee, water, and snacks are typically offered during breaks, depending on the specific venue.

In addition, for detailed information and assistance on accommodation and meals in specific locations, please see our planning pages:

Were other men assistants to Master Kusum Modak?

Q: Are there any other male AYM instructors who have assisted Master Kusum Modak?

A: No, only Ananta Sylvain Girard has had the privilege of assisting and working with Master Kusum Modak. From 1996 to 2002, for seven years, he collaborated by organising Kusum Modak’s monthly training courses in Pune and Goa, India. This recognition is highly significant in the ARYM lineage and reflects the respect he has earned over his years of dedicated service to the master.
It’s important to highlight that, despite some misinformation spread by another AYM instructor on her social media and site, where he falsely claimed to have worked as Kusum’s assistant and potentially misled sincere students seeking the original method – Ananta holds this unique position of being the first individual (and the only male instructor) to arrange Master Kusum Modak’s classes. Ananta maintains a close relationship with the master to this day.

#Kusum Modak assistants

Can I join Advanced AYM Courses right after completing the Certified Practitioner (I-IV)?

Q: Can I join AYM Advanced Courses right after completing the Certified Practitioner (I-IV)?

A: Yes you can. Even though we recommend enrolling in AYM Advanced Courses after earning your AYM Diploma V (second participation), it is possible as a Certified AYM Practitioner I-IV (first participation) to join it. The 3 AYM Advanced Courses are often scheduled following an AYM Therapist Training Course and begin with a recap of foundational techniques learnt in the Certified AYM Therapist Course. These courses refine and correct positioning, grips, and locks for a deeper understanding. AYM Advanced courses strongly emphasise advanced stretching techniques, with a particular focus on providing an in-depth exploration of advanced techniques.


Q: 每天的课程时间安排是什么?

A: 课程时间表因地点而异,甚至在同一活动内也可能在每天不同。请查看您培训课程的网页上的时间表页面以获取更多详细信息:https://www.anantamassage.com/zh-hans/schedule/。此外,上午和下午课程之间通常会安排10至15分钟的短暂休息时间。

Ayurvedic Yoga Massage VS Abhyanga?

Q: What is the difference between Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (AYM) and traditional Abhyanga?

A: Both Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (AYM) and Abhyangam have their roots in Ayurveda and exhibit distinct differences:

Setting: AYM is performed on a mattress on the floor, while Abhyangam is typically done on a wooden or massage table.

Yoga-Based Stretches: AYM incorporates corrective-assisted yoga-based stretches, whereas Abhyangam doesn’t include such stretches.

Oils: AYM uses a minimum amount of oil, resulting in a less-oily experience, while Abhyangam is known for its abundant use of oil.

Calamus Powder: AYM incorporates Calamus powder to exfoliate, remove toxins, and aid in stretching, which is not a part of Abhyangam.

Hands and Feet: AYM is performed with hands, feet, and knees, while Abhyangam is performed only with hands. Note that in both techniques, the forearms and elbows are used.

Ayurvedic Approach: AYM places a strong emphasis on yoga, especially on vital energy, breath work, and optimising the circulation of bodily fluids. It adopts a comprehensive approach to balance the three Ayurvedic doshas, aiming to restore an individual’s Prakriti naturally. In contrast, Abhyangam may incorporate specific medical oils for therapeutic purposes if prescribed by an Ayurvedic doctor. It’s important to note that AYM can also use medical oils, but this is done under the guidance and prescription of an Ayurvedic doctor.












Ayurvedic Yoga Massage VS Thai Yoga Massage?

Q: Ayurvedic Yoga Massage VS Thai Yoga Massage?

A: Wondering about the differences between Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (AYM) and Traditional Thai Yoga Massage? While both techniques offer sublime bodywork and may initially appear similar to newcomers (both treatments are performed on a mattress on the floor and involve a series of yoga-based stretches), Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (AYM) and Traditional Thai Yoga Massage have several distinctive characteristics.

AYM is an oil-based massage with scrubbing Ayurvedic powder, administered directly on the skin, drawing its inspiration from Indian traditions, particularly Ayurveda and modern yoga. In contrast, Traditional Thai Massage relies on acupressure techniques and is conducted with the client fully clothed. It’s worth noting that some Thai Massage treatments have also incorporated the use of oil for tourist preferences, but AYM uniquely integrates a special Ayurvedic component called Calamus. This addition contributes significant therapeutic benefits to the massage and is deeply rooted in Ayurvedic principles. The use of oil in AYM not only enhances the nourishing effect of the massage on the nervous system, creating a calming and enveloping sensation but also aids in detoxification. The incorporation of Calamus further enhances the touch and detoxifying effects, making AYM even more beneficial for overall well-being.

AYM draws its inspiration from Indian traditions, particularly Ayurveda and modern yoga, while Traditional Thai Massage has stronger ties to Chinese traditions, despite some Indian influences claimed in Thai medicine.

AYM places a strong emphasis on enhancing fluid circulation, deep breathing, and harnessing Prana, the Indian concept of vital energy. In contrast, Traditional Thai Yoga Massage primarily focuses on the Chinese meridian system.

A small but significant difference is that AYM uses a chair as support to precisely work on the back with feet, while Thai massage often uses ceiling support for this purpose, which may not be as precise. However, the therapist’s skill always plays a crucial role in the technique’s effectiveness.

Both massage styles trace their origins back to India. AYM is rooted in the teachings of Guru BKS Iyengar’s medical yoga, who belonged to the lineage of the renowned yogi Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacarya, often referred to as the father of Modern Yoga. This lineage carries the accumulated wisdom of thousands of years of Indian yoga tradition, as documented in the Vedas.

Conversely, Traditional Thai Yoga Massage claims its origins through the legendary story of “Father Doctor Shivago Komarpahj,” also known as The Father of Thai Traditional Medicine. According to this narrative, he brought medical practices from India to Thailand during the time of the Buddha. However, the historical accuracy of this tale remains subject to debate and is shrouded in mythology. Nevertheless, both AYM and Traditional Thai Yoga Massage share a profound spiritual dimension.

Regrettably, Traditional Thai Yoga Massage has faced challenges over the years, occasionally linked to inappropriate practices due to the prevalence of sexual tourism and demand for such services. In contrast, Ayurvedic Yoga Massage maintains a strong commitment to ethical standards, reflecting the pure teachings of its founder.

So the best approach is to try both methods and see which one resonates with you the most, especially if you find yourself falling in love with both!

Can I learn Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology with the ARYM Institute

Q: Can I learn Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology with the ARYM Institute?

A: Yes, we offer two specialised MasterClasses, “Essential Anatomy,” of 14 hours each. These classes are designed to impart comprehensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathology specifically tailored to the practice of AYM. These MasterClasses are open to AYM Certified Practitioners or Diploma Therapists, providing you with essential insights to enhance your expertise in Ayurvedic Yoga Massage.

What should I bring for the training?

Q: What should I bring for the AYM training?

A: Depending on the training location, we provide all or part of the necessary materials. An email will be sent to all participants to inform them of what they should bring for the course.
We provide mattresses, bed sheets, a comprehensive manual, oil, essential oils, herbal powder, face cream, etc. However, you have the option to bring your own supplies (cream, oil, sheets, towels), especially if you have allergies or specific preferences.
Don’t forget to bring comfortable clothing for giving and receiving massages, such as loose trousers, t-shirts, shorts, etc. Yoga attire is suitable, although it may feel slightly snug and could potentially get oil stains.
To receive the treatment, it’s essential to wear stretchable underwear. Optional for women: a top tube for quick and easy wrapping between different sequences (we provide lungis/pareos).
Please bring a protective case for your glasses if you wear them.
A pair of sandals (flip flops/Havaianas).
Remember to bring a water bottle and a mug if you prefer to avoid using disposable cups.


培训课程在世界各地举办。 在日程页面上为每个事件指定培训地点的地址。 如果尚未指定或确认位置,则将立即通知所有参与者。






  • 每日培训时间:上午9:00 – 下午5:30
  • 休息日:1整天或两个半天
  • 总培训小时数:56小时


  • 每日培训时间:下午12:30 – 下午5:00
  • 休息日:1整天或两个半天
  • 总培训小时数:56小时


What is Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (AYM)?

A: What is Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (AYM)?

Q: Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (AYM) is a bodywork method that combines traditional Indian deep tissue massage and assisted yoga-based stretching therapy. It is an full body oil massage incorporating an ayurvedic herb used as a scrub called Acorus Calamus, that gives greater efficiency to massage and the very specific feeling of Ayurvedic Yoga Massage. The method AYM has been developed in the early 1980’ by Master Kusum Modak from Pune, India. As a devoted student of Yoga guru BKS Iyengar, Kusum brought together the essence of therapeutic alignment/adjustment of Iyengar yoga together with the traditional remedial Indian deep tissue massage. find out more

Are ARYM Training Courses Certified?

Q: Are ARYM Training Courses internationally recognized and certified?

A: Yes, ARYM’s AYM Training Courses are internationally recognised and certified by IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists). This certification qualifies you for discounted premiums and extended coverage on Public Liability Indemnity Insurance. IICT affiliation also provides coverage during professional massage practice in 40 countries. Learn more




Is it necessary to join the module introduction to AYM therapy (I), before registering for the Therapist Training I-IV (first participation)?

Q: Is it necessary to join the module introduction to AYM therapy (I), before registering for the Therapist Training IV (first participation)?

A: Yes and no!
No, because it is possible to register directly for the complete Therapist Training (I-IV or I-V), even without prior experience in terms of massage, yoga or therapy.
Yes, because the introduction to AYM Therapy (I) is included, as the first module, in the Therapist Training (I-IV). Part I teaching the back of the body, you will inevitably be led to follow it.
The registration to the introduction to AYM Therapy (I) is intended for people who do not have the time or the financial, to commit on the 8 to 12 days of the AYM Therapist Training.



答:是的,除了在活动页面上明确说明的一些例外情况外,培训所需的所有材料均由 ARYM 提供。我们提供所有必需的材料,如手册、小册子、证书、床垫、床单、Lungis、毛巾、按摩油、菖蒲粉和面霜。此外,我们还在培训期间提供茶歇和水。





  1. 练习课程:开始向朋友、家人或同学提供60至90分钟的个别课程。这有助于您整合治疗技巧并获得宝贵的反馈。通常,完成5至20次课程后,您会更自信地与付费客户合作。
  2. 保持联系:保持与您的导师在线沟通,以追踪您的进展并获得指导。通过专用的WhatsApp群组和AYM社区,与其他培训参与者保持联系。
  3. 获得AYM保险:作为AYM会员,您有资格在IICT会员的第一年享受40%的折扣,这有助于以更经济的价格获得保险。点击此处了解更多信息。
  4. 报名文凭课程:虽然认证从业者和文凭课程之间没有强制等待期,但建议您在完成认证从业者课程后尽快报名文凭课程(第二次参加)。
  5. 探索高级课程:您也有资格参加高级AYM课程和AYM大师班,这将进一步提升您的AYM技能和知识。
  6. 不要错过我们的复习课程:我们建议您每年至少参加一次复习课程,特别是如果您没有参加培训的其他部分。这是一个很好的机会,可以回顾技巧、提升技能、与AYM社区互动,并直接向Ananta提问。


参与者在培训计划的最后一天在教练的监督下向外部志愿者提供 60 到 90 分钟的阿育吠陀瑜伽按摩治疗后获得认证。 这个评估日称为临床日。

What should I wear during the class?

Q: What should I wear during the class?

A: For giving the massage, we recommend wearing loose and comfortable clothing, such as cotton pants or shorts and a comfortable T-shirt. These should be comfortable and allow for ease of movement while performing the massage.
For receiving the massage, we suggest wearing stretchable underwear, which provides comfort and flexibility during the session. Avoid tight briefs for a more relaxed experience.
In case of cold weather, it’s advisable to bring something warm to stay comfortable, like a sweatshirt, a small polar cover and a pair of warm sucks.
Also, please bring a pair of flip-flops for convenient movement within the facility.
If you wear glasses, consider bringing a protective case to keep them safe during the class. Similarly, get a contact lens case for storage during the massage if you wear contact lenses. It’s essential to ensure the safety of your eyewear or lenses during the session.



参加 ARYM 培训需要练习或教授瑜伽吗?

问:参加 ARYM 培训需要练习或教授瑜伽吗?


What are the prerequisites for AYM training courses?

Q: What are the prerequisites for AYM training courses?

A: Here are the prerequisites, if needed:

  • Introduction to AYM Therapy: No prerequisites
  • Fundamentals of the AYM method I: No prerequisites
  • AYM Certified Practitioner I-IV: No prerequisites
  • AYM Therapist Diploma V: Completion of the Certified Practitioner IV (First Participation)
  • AYM Practitioner Instructor: Completion of  the Therapist Diploma I-V (Second Attendance) + a substantial AYM experience
  • AYM Advanced Courses: Completion of the Certified Practitioner I-IV (First Participation)
  • AYM MasterClass: Completion of the Certified Practitioner I-IV (First Participation)

Can I join AYM Professionalisation Days immediately after completing Certified Practitioner I-IV (First Participation)

Q: Can I join AYM Professionalisation Days right after completing the Certified Practitioner I-IV (First Participation)?

A: Yes, we highly recommend enrolling in these sessions immediately after obtaining your AYM Certificate I-IV (first participation), or even after your AYM Diploma V (second Participation). AYM Professionalisation Days are additional practice sessions occasionally scheduled following AYM Therapist Training Courses. They offer an excellent opportunity to practice, integrate the skills and flow acquired during the training, and receive valuable individualised feedback, making them an ideal starting point for your practice.